Donation Awards

The majority of the WarfareRO (Voting/Donation) items persist out of usable items, such as Life Insurances, Tokens of Siegfried, and Bloody Branches. However, we also have a few equipments (top, lower and bottom headgears) but these are merely cosmetic and do not give players a ridiculous power buff or advantage.

The donation awards are also obtainable through voting - Warfare Points can be voted for, and donated for! Keep in mind that (unlike Midgard Coins) 100 Warfare points are equal to $1.00 USD.
Here a more detailed list of available items and the services that can be used with
Warfare Points. If you want to know their exact effect, please find the item and read their description in the "Warfare Point" (button) shop in-game.
                  Warfare Points - Shop Items 
                - Item -                                            - Price -
           Warfare Points - Services
  - Service -                                     - Price -
Name Change                                300 WP - $3.00
       Allows you to permanently change your name for any new name supported by 
       the server. Keep in mind that the rules still apply; no foul language, racism, or
       names containing a combination of the following characters: "|", "I", and "l".
Sex Change                                   300 WP - $3.00
         Allows you to permanently change your gender. This change will take effect
         to your whole account, and not only the character you're currently playing on.
         Keep in mind that, if you use this service and you're a Bard/Dancer class, you
         will turn into the opposite job!
Secure Refining                             100 WP - $1.00 (Secure Oridecon/Elunium)
       When you attempt to upgrade an equipment that's past the safe limit, your item
       will not be destroyed if the upgrade fails, but merely a Secure Oridecon/Elunium
       will be consumed. Please note that this is only guaranteed with the special Secure
       Refiner in the Currency building, it does not work with any other refine NPC!
Secure Card Remover                    300 WP - $3.00 (for the whole process)
         Removes the Cards that have been compounded on your item. This is the
         Warfare Point version, which means there is no chance for the process to


Guild Name Change [Leader Only]     300 WP - $3.00

       Allows you to permanently change your Guilds name for any Guild name that
       isn't available. Keep in mind that the rules still apply; no foul language, racism, 
       or names containing a combination of the following characters: "|", "I", and "l".

Guild Leader Change [Leader Only]     300 WP - $3.00

       Allows you to transfer leadership of your Guilds over to another player.
       He/she will then be able to use the guild skills, arrange titles, and take over every
       reponsibility a guild leader has.