Server Highlights

This is the server highlight page. Here we're going to display the features in the server that stand out more than others. If you can't find what you're looking for in here, please browse through the sub-categories in the menu on the left.

User-Friendly Server

We've all played RO, the administrators as well have been playing RO a long time ago and on their journey they've noticed that, especially private servers, are not very user friendly - you just get dropped in the middle of nowhere as a Novice and are expected to figure your way out into the game. That does not leave a very good implression for a player that is completely new to RO, which is such a shame because Ragnarok Online is amazing! On WarfareRO we do it different. We try to provide our players (veterans and complete newbies alike), with all the information we possibly can; what to do, where to go, tips and tricks, and so on!

Botting is impossible!

We have found out that Harmony and Internal Guard can (despite of what is said) easily be bypassed. We on WarfareRO have decided to not invest in this simply because outdated (Harmony) and useless (Internal Guard) programs have no point. Instead, we have 'destroyed' the file in the server that gives out our IP address. This file can no longer be opened so bot programs can not be configured at all.

Fair Voting & Donating

To reduce the gap between donators and non-donators, we thought it would be a good idea to make vote points and donation credits the same currency. Do not worry, gaining Warfare (Cash) Points through voting will not take a life time. In fact, if you're voting every 12 hours for one week straight, you'll obtain as much as $1.40! (140 Warfare Points)

500+ Pets

In our server, all monsters can be captured by using a Universal Taming Item. This item can be bought with Midgard Coins! When you use this item, it has a 50% chance to capture the targeted monster! We however have left out MVPs as pets so you're advised to not try to capture them. The reason why left them out is because of their size. Although, Mini-Boss pets can be obtained with Warfare Points.

Item Renting

In WarfareRO you can rent items with Midgard Coins! These include, but are not limited to: experience Rings, Halter Lead (Reins of Mount), and other fun, useful items. To learn more please visit this [link].

+10% EXP during weekends

For the players who have a busy life during the week days, we choose to have slightly increased rates during weekends! This is not an exception, every weekend there will be a standard +10% experience going on! So the character(s) you never got to level because you were too busy with work or school, you'll still be able to level a little faster in the weekends because our actual EXP rates will not be 30x but 33x!

Boss Hunting is more rewarding!

To encourage players to party up and hunt bosses, we've decided to make boss monsters drop Midgard Coins at a 100% rate. This means that, even if Turtle General doesn't drop that Pole Axe you've been hoping to get, you'll still get a Midgard Coin as consolation for your hard work!
NOTE: This is only the case for MVP Monsters, not for Mini-Bosses!


No Transfer/Trade limitations

Ragnarok Online has many items (headgears in particular) that are locked from transfering. We however, have removed this restriction! In WarfareRO, all items can be traded, stored, mailed, or transfered by another way in between accounts and/or with other players.
Needless to say, an exception for the Wedding Rings, Rental Items and the Newbie Pack items.


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