Mission Board            

Do daily missions with our mission board
and get rewarded for it! The rewards vary
from (Base/Job)Experience to Zeny, and
from Zeny to usable items and Midgard Coins!

The Mission Board offers mini missions for
every player; low and high levels, support
and offensive classes! Why don't you give
it a shot?! The Mission Board NPC is located
at Harmonia. (harmonia 173, 90)


Important to know!

Missions are all daily mini-quests. That being said, every unique mission can only be completed once every 24 hours, no more.

Missions lableled with [Hard] are generally very difficult missions, their location would be at a place were a character of your level wouldn't have a easy time surviving. The rewards (both EXP* and items), however, are very appealing!

After accepting a mission, you can whisper to "npc:mission" (the box where you usually type a players' name to PM) to follow the progress.
The progress will automatically stop showing once you've killed (for example) 20 / 20 targets to avoid your gameplay being interfered.


Available Missions

*The experience you obtain from completing a mission is absolute and does not get multiplied by our 30x quest rates!
Name: Lvl Range: Base EXP / Job EXP Item Reward:
Larva Slayer 1 - 20 1500 / 300 1 Midgard Coin, 20 Orange Potion
Ant Egg Slayer 20 - 40 1800 / 500 1 Midgard Coin, 20 Grape Juice
Familiar Slayer 20 - 40 4000 / 2000 1 Midgard Coin, 30 Orange Potion
Condor Slayer 20 - 40 2000 / 1500 3 Conc. Potion, 30 Orange Potion
Honey Collector 20 - 40 5700 / 4000 1 Honey Herbal Tea
Willow Slayer 20 - 40 47500 / 25000 1 Midgard Coin
Frog Slayer 40 - 60 73400 / 43200 1 Midgard Coin, 1 Frog Hat
Acorn Collector 40 - 60 82800 / 54700 1 Midgard Coin
Baby Slayer 40 - 60 170100 / 89200 1 Midgard Coin, 1 Sacred Incense
Fine Grit Hunter 40 - 60 225000 / 148500 1 Fried Scorpion Tails
Soldier Skel. Slayer 40 - 60 323000 / 190000 1 Midgard Coin
Ghoul Slayer 40 - 60 380000 / 195000 1 Midgard Coin
Bongun Slayer 40 - 60 360200 / 205500 1 Midgard Coin, 100 Grape Juice
Ice Collector[Hard] 40 - 60 700000 / 500000 5 Midgard Coin, 5 Fruit Juice
Bathory Slayer 60 - 80 724000 / 335200 1 Midgard Coin
Deviruchi Slayer 60 - 80 713000 / 278000 3 Cursed Water
Removal Slayer[Hard] 60 - 80 941300 / 578000 3 Midgard Coin, 10 Pingui Berry Juice
Myst Case Slayer 60 - 80 683000 / 297000 5 Chocolate Pie
Toxic Gas Collector 60 - 80 751000 / 315000 1 Midgard Coin
Dullahan Slayer 60 - 80 135000 / 80000 1 Midgard Coin
Ancient Mummy Slayer 60 - 80 750000 / 250000 1 Midgard Coin, 50 Grape Juice
Butterfly Slayer 80 - 99 1900000 / 567000 3 Midgard Coin
Plasma Slayer 80 - 99 1895000 / 752100 2 Midgard Coin
Red Frame Collector 80 - 99 2256300 / 592100 1 Midgard Coin, 1 Pine Jubilee
Harpy Slayer 80 - 99 2587000 / 451000 1 Midgard Coin
Hat Collector 80 - 99 2820200 / 831400 1 Midgard Coin
Deleter Slayer 90 - 99 3000000 / 800000 1 Midgard Coin
Bat. Kettle Hunter 90 - 99 3197000 / 510300 1 Midgard Coin
Inc-/Succubus Slayer 90 - 99 4000000 / 900000 1 Midgard Coin, 100 Grape Juice
Plate Collector 90 - 99 5000000 / 999999 1 Midgard Coin, 50 Conc White Pot
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